What Causes Itchy Palms of Hands and Feet ? Itchy palms are very common among the people who have allergies.
When you develop an allergy, your body reacts to certain substances in the environment and creates antibodies against them. The antibodies that your body produces is what causes your hands and feet to itch when they come into contact with something that has been involved in the allergic reaction.
You can get rid of this by avoiding things that trigger it or taking medicines prescribed by a doctor.
However, if you don’t want to take medicine, then there are some simple home remedies that can help relieve itching of hands and feet at night:
First thing I would suggest is washing your hands thoroughly before going to bed so as to remove any bacteria present on them which may be causing irritation.
Another thing I would recommend is applying a soothing cream like petroleum jelly all over your skin since this will help provide relief from itching.
The third remedy I would suggest is making sure you wear cotton gloves during sleep time because it will prevent you from scratching yourself due to cold temperatures and rough materials around you such as sheets and pillows which may cause irritation on the surface of your skin.